Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pleasant Prairie Across-the-Lake swim on Saturday morning

We will be offering a swim across Lake Andrea on Saturday morning, August 21. There will be two start times: 7am and 8am. Registration will be $10 pre-registration and $15 day-of-registration. This swim is not timed, but we will have a pace clock on the other side of the lake which should give you an approximate time if you’re interested.

Note: there will be two guards following the group in kayaks, but there won’t be the full compliment of lifeguards as there are during the races. The platforms will not be completely in place on Saturday morning. Please keep this in mind if you’re nervous about the swim.

Registration Information:
Register at
Session: Events & Programs: 2010
Category: Aquatic Training
Course: Open Water Swim Course
12428-07 – 7am Start
12428-08 – 8am Start