Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Thursday is an “orange” air quality day in Chicago

Thursday brings an air quality warning to Chicago. The air quality index is in the 101-150 range, an orange warning for ozone indicating the air quality conditions are Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups.

But what exactly does this mean? How might you change your day to take account of the warning?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Medication preparedness for weather (and other) emergencies

Mark Wilson/Getty Images
With Hurricane Irene finishing up with the east coast, it’s a good time to review how your prescription needs can be met in case of evacuations, power outages, road closures, and other natural – or man-made – disasters.

Deerfield-base Walgreen’s offers these tips for Irene, which are also appropriate for the weather emergencies we potentially have here in the Midwest (e.g., tornados, blizzards, flooding):